Local Police

The Local police plays an important role within the framework of respecting the order and the laws in its community and is related to the President of the municipality. The local police’s tasks and missions are numerous and diversified. Included among them for example:

  • Stop all the illegal constructions.
  • Assist the technical teams loaded with the control of the good execution of the works with regard to the granted licenses.
  • Apply all the laws and the decisions related to the municipal context.
  • Inform and put into execution all the procedures, the circulars, the judgements and administrative decisions relative to the municipalities.
  • Watch for the level of alcohol intake in places and public domains.
  • Make sure of the respect for the scale of the basic foodstuffs' price, as well as the laws governing the standards of measure(weight and volume).
  • Watch for the commercial markets and forbid the traffic of the peddlers.
  • Watch for the respect for calm and for the collective well-being.
  • Coordinate with competent authorities regarding the works of cleaning of the public places.
  • Watch for the security of the municipality premises.
  • Make sure people are respecting the laws of the road traffic.
  • Make sure of the relevance of the licenses of exploitation and of the certificates of health.